Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mega Is Better?

“Megalomania is a recorded psychiatric illness that consists of overestimating ones abilities.
Megalomania translates into an immoderate desire for power, the projected version of an irresistible love of self.  It should not surprise, then, that from the hands of those megalomaniacs spring aggressive villas, palaces festooned with Jacuzzis, pinnacles of Romanesque splendor, decadent, extravagant, orgiastic. “

“To defy the years, to build for the centuries, to construct to endure, to fashion the horizon for coming generations, to imagine the world as a river whose shores you are forming, to take both natural disasters and riots in stride.  To believe yourself a demiurge, more eternal than wars, than schisms, than revolutions.  To crush fellow humans, to engrave your name on the sides of mountains, to erect statures and palaces, to launch fleets of airplanes emblazoned with your signature, your logo, your face.  To be first; to speak loudest; to show off; to embrace vulgarity, to flaunt your bankroll and throw you r money around; to dazzle with the glitter of diamonds, crying “Me! Me!  I know!”  Me alone.  To be on a first name basis with God.  To be no more than your own overdeveloped ego; to become drunk with narcissism…to be a megalomaniac.”

“Megalomania is universal, timeless, always contemporary.  To it we owe bad habits, conflicts, and massacres but also small islands of extravagant blisss, corners of paradise, masterpieces, poems ad monuments, songs and laments.”
                  “Megalomania; Too Much Is Never Enough”
                           by Philippe Tretiack
                           An Assouline book

This is nothing new and will never be over.  As I travel the world I am constantly reminded of this obsession, compulsion, and egomania.  Is it part of all of us, human characteristic that explodes in some of us?  It is obvious to realize as seen in the great emperors, politicians, the jet setters, the rock stars, architects of constructs that change landscapes and cities, even the man and the moon.  It is obvious we are devoured in this megalomania and narcissism with Facebook, MySpace, twitter, reality shows, etc.  I can go on and on.  It is our reality, especially in the states.  We “use” the neurosis to create fame for ourselves as a “look at me” nation.  Fashion, fame, and rock and roll.  Bigger diamonds on the necks of rappers.  Faster cars, even though we have nowhere to drive them.  Larger homes that we can ever possibly use.  Paying athletes (who are deemed larger than life).  Ridiculous salaries to play a game a small percentage of people could ever play.  Giving our next generations unrealistic expectations to live up to because aren’t all the generations behind us supposed to be better? 
After going to the San Telmo Museum in San Sebastian and visiting the film exhibit from the last 80 years, it came to our attention the reality of this megalomania is like a plague.  You have the ability to create yourself in any light you want.  The famous are so vulnerable that we expect them to live up to our values, especially because they appear to us in our living rooms, bedrooms, iPhones, and computers daily, therefor they must be a literal part of our every day life?  Right?  Why do we place the rich and famous on pedestals?  Worship them, only to be let down by their inadequacies, human behavior, and mistakes most of us make possibly more than once in our lifetime.  It’s like we are in search of a spectacle and then when it happens, we react with disgust and disappointment.  When is it going to be enough stuff, enough face time, fame, and all so real, megalomania?  We have created an alter realism through technology.  How different is it from the days of the gladiators?  Maybe we will just go back to that, everything right in your face because we have been so desensitized there is nothing left to entertain our psyche.
How do you measure in this megalomania?  I surely can see some of these aspects appearing in myself at times.  Seriously, I have a Facebook page, a website, a twitter account too. 
As a wise old man said "Be simple and sincere".  Hmm?

Monday, September 10, 2012

Spain and the art of living

Hola!  Que tal? 

Well I have arrived in Madrid, Spain for my first visit to the country.  So far, in the one hour of arriving I have already decided I am coming back!  The people are beautiful, friendly, classy, and of course well cultured.   The moments I have cherished here in my short while are the people gathering for conversation, food and wine, sitting in the parks, all for the sake of togetherness.  I find we lack this importance in the states.  We don’t have the sense to slow down, no value to it, and definitely do not have time for it.  The quality of our relationships, in my opinion, are rated at about a 2/3 star, where in Spain 5 star.  So that means we are putting many other activities, thoughts, use of time towards other things, and may I quote “things” because we are trying to “get somewhere” faster, compete for something “better”, or frankly have lost the art of conversation and communicating.  I haven’t seen people on their phones, especially at restaurants, in groups, etc.  I see people smiling, laughing, talking, and even kissing.  It is so refreshing to experience especially when living a more mindful, conscious lifestyle. 
Maybe this art for cultural communication is so deeply ingrained in them due to the depth of their age as a country.  The value of family and relationships is top priority.  My friend and I have had this continuous conversation here and our concern is, will we ever go back to family values of eating together at the table? Leaving the workplace sooner rather than later and later? Engage with one another with intimate, undivided attention?  My fear is, I think it is going to get worse before it even gets better. 
Just for today, look directly into everyone’s eyes you see and converse with today.  Take just a moment longer to listen without feedback.  Stop to notice the beauty around you whether it is a fading cloud or joy upon a child’s face.  Can you practice being present and truly enjoy the company of yourself and others without distraction or attention deficit?
This is why I travel out of the US, to explore the boundaries of the ordinary and evolve my awareness and quality of life.  Let us keep sharing life together and see what happens.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Be Open to the Mystery on Land or Air

“Be Open to the Mystery on Land or Air”
The travel to Spain from Tampa to Madrid was interesting, as it always is when you are open to the mystery.  One of my dearest girlfriends and I are taking our first overseas trip together.  We have been friends since teenagers and now have the money and cherished time to take this journey together. 
After boarding the plane and letting go of the anxiety and rush of leaving, packing, etc. we dropped into our first leg of travel.  The flight attendant started up a conversation with us by attacking my plum shirt by Splits 59, made of bamboo, super comfortable for travel.  She was like “I have to have that shirt, the color looks so good on me.  Where did you get it?  How can I get it?  What label is it?  Well can I just see the label?  No really I am just going to have you lean forward so I can take a look.”  She really had me lean forward and said, “we are all ladies here”.  I thought it was funny so we end up having a conversation later near the bathroom that ended up lasting quite a while.
There are no coincidences, as we all know.  And when you dive into the mystery, allow for listening and universal flow, life offers you magical moments of clarity.  As for this moment, her name was Jacqueline, a yoga teacher and flight attendant.  She has a daily practice especially on the days she flys.  Most important to her is meditation and mindfulness.  When she flys she is constantly practicing mindfulness, especially when surrounded by entitled people in a confined space (agh!).
We began the conversation because of the shirt and ended with exchange of business cards, hopes of staying in touch, and encouragement to continue our path with awareness.
If you are open to the mystery, the universe always supplies what is needed.  As for me, I was encourage to continue my hopes and goals, reaffirmed.  I cannot speak for my new friend, but can feel her gratitude for sharing Namaste (the light inside meets and honors the light inside you).
Stay tuned for the week ahead.  Sharing life with you on and off the mat.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Change of landscape

While driving down the coast of Southern California I listened to the Oprah radio station and of course was completely inspired by the topics of the day.  “Spirituality and the quest to find it through inner peace”, such a common topic and yet we are still trying to find it.  Here I am driving down from a yoga centric weekend in LA, completely focused on spirituality, feeding my soul, living my art, surrounded by the collective conscious.  I had just left a yoga class and drove on down to see my family in Laguna.  Walking into their reality of compromised health, family issues, and the ebbs and flows of life’s cycles.  I was very inspired to write this:
Who am I ?  Am I my story, my stories of my life, the things I’ve done, the people I know, the places I’ve been, the awards I’ve won, the endless mistakes and accomplishments survived?
What if someone were really to ask…who are you?  What would you say?
Would you say, “I am a (job description).  I went to school here…I am from …I am divorced…etc.
Well that isn’t who you are, or is it?  Really, you want to just be that?  I mean, come on!  Who are you really?  Is there substance beyond that stuff that society labels you as or that your culture has created for you?  Do you really define yourself by this b.s.?
So when you get hit by this question the next time, go for it and expose who you really are.  I dare you. I want to see if you can be in the mystery of your own unveiling and hear what your soul describes self as.  Be the pioneer of your soul’s landscape.

Other inspirations from the lecture on radio, Eckart Tolle, and Carl Jung:
The question that keeps coming up and always does as a yoga teacher is “what is spirituality?”  Why is it so important that we define this?  I feel it is because it gets confused with religion.  The two are separate and together.  “Religion is a spring board into spirituality.”  I loved this quote from the Oprah show.  Why I bring up this topic?  I feel when you really expose yourself to who you truly are, you open yourself up the mystery of life.  You begin to let go of attachments to labels, stories, and your identity to it all.  You begin to look over the landscape of your life, the people you surround yourself with, the choices you make.  Changes begin to creep in. 
If you are ready for change?  Are you ready for change?  Change takes courage and serenity, just as the “Serenity Prayer” states.  If you are ready for change, ready for renewal of self and identity…be open to the mystery and symbolic energy that leads to transformations.  Yoke your soul with your path.  Make union with your soul and universal will, or if you will, God’s will.  This seems to me like spirituality.

The word “symbol” as described by Carl Jung best describes what most of us call “a sign”.  You have all heard it, “that was a “sign” what happened to you today”.  As Jung states, a “sign can be interpreted with no loss of meaning, but a symbol is the best possible statement or expression for something that is either essentially unknowable or not yet knowable given the present state of consciousness. Symbols open one up to the mystery.  And they also combine elements of spirit and instinctuality, of image and drive.  For that reason, descriptions of exalted spiritual states and mystical experience frequently refer to physical and instinctual gratifications like nourishment and sexuality.  Mystics talk about the ecstasy of uniting with God as an orgasmic experience and most likely it is the experience of the symbol unites body and soul in a powerful, convincing feeling of wholeness. For Jung, the symbol holds so much importance because of its ability to transform natural energy into cultural and spiritual forms.” 
“Jung’s Map of the Soul” by Murray Stein

The process of your authenticity shining through may not be a smooth path and people will confront you on it.  You will be tested.  In fact you may experience “symbols” and “visions” telling you to continue on, change direction, ask for help, etc.  Be open to the mystery instead of willing your self like you have for so many years.  There is something in you, way deep down in your soul that aches for this “trail blazing”, spiritual hunger, or new design of your life. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Looking all around me for inspiration, I see “my world” covered in color, textures, artifacts from my travels, books I’ve read and will read.  I feel stuck today for writing, I slept restless, ate too much too late, over stimulated from doing too much.  
It is time to go inward, to step back and have solitude.
Looking back at my personal cycles, seasonal shifts, my pattern has always been to return to my roots this exact time of year.  To return to the ocean, my place of birth, for renewal of spirit and soul in full knowing I will be replenished.  Southern California, Venice Beach, and Laguna Beach are my reprieve. As soon as I land, the smell of the ocean, the vibration of the cities rhythm soothes my soul.  I suddenly feel like I can breathe again.  My head becomes clear, my body becomes lighter, and my truest essence reappears from the heavy and oppressive heat and humidity of Florida summer.
Going back to your roots or your “special place” for renewal can be essential and almost critical for the creative, the artist, the healer.  One must “go back to the well” and nourish the soul to continue on the path.  Many writers speak of this “returning” or like the homing pigeon, the place of “home” simplifies and electrifies the being from a primordial level.  So if given the opportunity, go back, renew, shed your skin like the snake and begin again.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Dropping In

“Dropping in.”  Term used in healing modalities when the body relaxes, the mind and ego fall away and higher consciousness is revealed.  The feeling is extraordinary.  The senses are heightened and the inner listening is so great that nothing disturbed the essence of the calling back to Source.
What came out of this meditation today:
Through the darkness God/Source/Universe’s presence is so much greater.  Source is so good, the power so great, it is hard to comprehend.  Is it so that we go through darkness to see God in fullness, for clarity, and resolve?
Think of all the greats, the blessed ones?  They all went through dark nights, paths of pain, and continued towards the Source’s light.  In fact they recognized Source as a “coming home” with the greatest amount of security wrapped in perfect faith.
When you experience these dark periods, how do you react?
What is it about the path of darkness or “dark night of the soul’s journey” that seems so overwhelming, intolerable?  Is it because the light seems too perfect, unattainable, or even denied.  Self worth, self love, Ego as maniacal and running rampant. Do you think these play a role?
Oh I do!  For sufferings are the stepping-stones on the great path.  The walk through the fire initiates your soul. 
The ego can get us in these dark periods and in ways can get us out.  Ego is part of how we make decisions, instincts, self-preservation and creativity.  “The ego contains our capacity to master large amounts of material within consciousness and to manipulate them”.  Murrya Stein “Jung’s Map of the Soul”
It is usually the ego trying to defend itself within the darkness-the self will.  It is as if God/Source/Universe must humble you, to help you through the void. 
Are you willing to let go and “drop in”?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Embrace Detachment

Through the darkness of our souls journey, there are precious moments not to be skipped, rushed through, or dismissed. Dive deeper and allow for the moments to educate you for there is always an opportunity. The light can be magnificent if you allow it.
Embrace detachment.  Embrace the shadows of your existence.  Shadow’s can be so many variations of your personality you dislike or feel you have no control over.  The “her” that comes out when not getting needs met.  The “him” that acts arrogant when challenged on something unknown.  Embrace “him” or “her” and truly ask, “what do you need?”  From there, detach the “need” to control and manipulate your animus within yourself.  Make friends with your shadow.  Stop bifurcating, fragmenting, and downright being mean to your self.  If you don’t have awareness and change the pattern how will you attract others into your life that are not doing the same thing?
Be attached to your self-love, acceptance, and courage to give what is needed.  Honor all aspects of you.  See yourself as the flower with many petals, not just one or two, or the phoenix that spreads all his feathers, not just a few.  Rise up out of the fiery pit of your self-pity, loathing, or narcissism and be truly authentic.  Embrace all of YOU in awe.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Today I finally felt the creative juices flowing again.  The summer time, the full moon, the heat all give me a heavy dull feeling that is sometimes hard to shake.  So I took a bike ride to the studio to teach yoga this morning along the beautiful bayshore of Tampa to open my mind, receive prana, and get clarity.  Upon my return home, I honored my attention to creativity and the tired legs from movement.  I took time to read and elevate.  In hopes of absorbing more knowledge, I thought using the book case would aid the intention.  Maybe the whole body can absorb the pages, I don't know... :)

Taking Action

Today I take action.  I wasn’t in need of much sleep last night, my mind going creatively in so many directions, looking forward to sunrise.  This is unusual for me because I love the night, not the morning.  However, when this happens I feel relieved and renewed.  The oppressive, density of the Florida heat and humidity absorbs all the way into my brain.  The course of the moon leaving her fullness and towards new, relieves me from agitation and towards creation. 
Taking action today may mean: continuing the many projects I have begun this year; spending time with someone I am challenged having patience with; or enjoying some time with a hobby allowing the power of flow to emerge and create an even higher state of consciousness.  For you see, you cannot force any of these states of awareness to happen, you must wait for it…as with all good things in life, its not on “will’s” time, but God’s time.

Friday, August 3, 2012

How many times have you mistrusted the universe and followed your own will? Made choices in relationships and situations you had a gut feeling about and denied that intuition to find yourself in a mess?
Trust the guidance of the universe, make a clear channel for the energy to flow and provide what is best. Then the truth will be revealed with ease and clarity.

Making an offering to the universe "puja" in India as the rays of Source shine down upon us.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The beginning.

My journey begins as a public personality in social media.  It feels strange to write, speak to no face, no breathing body, no physical being in front of me.  However, I do know you are all out there, that this is a way to "touch" others from a distance.  The importance of "touch" in all aspects of human life is invaluable.  Touch is how we love, is how we express the value of knowing another being is here sharing the same life existence as me and you.  
May we touch one another by our words, actions, thoughts, and beings.  May we be open to the magic of our ability to love and receive love with all beings.  Most importantly, to love ourselves throughout this mystery of life.
Let the journey begin.