Thursday, July 16, 2015

I found Pura Vida again, just needed a little help from M.O.V.E.

 Me On a Victorious Evolution

I have to remove my self from my daily life in order to find my self.  Sometimes I get really caught up in keeping up.  Most of you know what that means, keeping up with the latest trends, being perfect, trying so hard that you exhaust yourself in the process.  Well I finally broke down and took off on an amazing trip to Costa Rica to find Pura Vida, the pure life and go with the flow. 
Going with the flow has been my mantra for years, especially when I was living back and forth from LA and Tampa.  The last year or so I have lost the flow and the willingness to stop and slow down.  The quality of my work, my joy, and my personality has all suffered without showing a truly prosperous outcome.  And you know, I really found out on this trip, I don’t really like who I have become and how much I missed my old self.
What did I learn and what can I pass on to you?  Take moments much more often than you think to slow down.  Find quiet moments to just breathe and listen to nature.  Remove yourself from your environment to heighten your senses, wake up your soul, and ignite your natural spirit.  You see we all are the same creatures of habit.  It is up to you to explore your spontaneous primal flow. MOVE means, Me On a Victorious Evolution. 

My yoga practice on Pura Vida was heaven.  There is nothing like being immersed in the jungle and ocean while moving in primal spontaneous flow.  I invite you to take your yoga practice off the grid, off the mat, anywhere else but a yoga class.  Try to do your own practice by simply moving your body the way it asks you.  This is your innate intrinsic nature.  That means no one has to teach you how, you have it all within you.  Namaste my friends.

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