Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Right Timing

The Right Timing

The last couple of months I have been struggling with making decisions. Waiting for the universe to give me a sign.  Procrastinate.  Blame it on timing, the moon is, if Mercury is retrograde or if I make a mistake!  Now I ask, is there such a thing as the “right timing”? 

After all that mindless shit I find myself in doubt, fear that it won’t work out or if I don’t act right now then I will miss out.

These all have one thing in common, TRUST.
When you trust the unviverse or God, Spirit, something bigger and greater than you…you just might let go of the intense feelings.

I have had mnay opportunities to try and manipulate “right timing” like:
·      Willing myself to do it.  Pushing the deal to go through like making a wedding happen when I wanted.
·      Freeze: not do anything, no efforts that are even positive, denial.
·      Procrastinating:  fear of failure or success, perfectionism, leading me to not change my career when I wanted to.

These are human behaviors based upon learned or innate characteristics dependent upon core beliefs.
You can change it with some tools with some practice.
TRUST the universe, God, a higher power to help.  Demand it.
Gather resources: educate yourself on the topic or characteristic you are struggling with.  See your strengths and your weaknesses. Books, Youtube, the world wide web where you know you are not alone.
The first step in all of this is positive action by admitting your doubts and fears.
FEARS = false evidence appearing real
Weakness = strength as this a golden opportunity for you to change, grow and evolve.

Meditate on this:
I accept my doubts and fears.
The right timing for “blank” is directly related to my union with universal flow.
See yourself, visualize yourself doing the thing you want with total universal support.
Sit with the thoughts, observe your immediately feelings.  Use your senses like hearing the noises of where you might be in this change, smell the space, sense how others are around you there.
Observe your immediate reactions:
·      Do you feel anthing?
·      Anxiety, fear, sadness, joy, ease, powerful, awesome

The primary feelings you feel come from your highest self and intuition.  These are great gifts so use them.
Trust “right timing” with practice and allow the universe to support your highest good.