Monday, March 3, 2014

March - Kapha Dosha

I don’t know about you, but my energy during the winter months is a little low and stagnant. Low has many qualities to it: depression, less enthusiasm and low energy, dull in spirit and tastes for life. Stagnant can be as simple as not wanting to get off the couch, cravings for sugar for more energy and mood lifting, slower digestion, and of course colds and low immunity. In the ayurvedic eastern medicine this is the Kapha Dosha. We all have parts of each of the doshas in our constitution (base of our genetic make up) yet they show up at different times of the year or during imbalance (stress). Unfortunately these things are happening to me now, and you know how I feel about it…irritable and depressed. Usually, I am full of energy and pep. However, when I don’t listen to my body and peace of mind, I go down, get sick, and for real, depressed. So how do I find the will power to keep going?
I draw in my spiritual connection to God/ Spirit and then do the work: take action to encourage balance and restoration to me. I knowingly see the next step in front of me then move past the plateau and stagnation of the seasonal affect of Kapha dosha. Some tips to MOVE you along the way: 1) Acknowledge where you are in the morning right when you wake. Take a moment of prayer or meditation and draw in inspiration and manifestation of this moment of this day. Read something inspirational and infuse self-love and acceptance. Practice this again through out the day in small moments, especially in the later afternoon when we get dull and reach for the sweets and coffee. I’m not saying don’t have a taste- just watch the over-indulgence. 2) Food is so important as it fuels you body and mind. Try eating more bitter foods: ginger, cinnamon, black pepper and cayenne to stimulate slower digestions. Try to have most foods warmed. This is not a good time of year for a bunch of raw veggies. Drink warm teas of green, blacks, and ginger with lemon. Avoid sweets, sugar and dairy as these cause more inflammation and mucus. 3) Movement that either balances or stokes the fire in your belly and your heart. Try 3 days a week of cardio for 30 min. Increase breath exercises. Be mindful not to push past your limits as you will deplete yourself of the small amount of energy you have in the first place. 4) Be around friends and those you trust. Those people who you can be fully present and honest with about your self and feelings. Don’t go at it alone I tap into something bigger and greater than me, Spirit, Source, God whatever you want to say. Just like the sun rises again for a new day so as my spirit lifts with each new in breath. My spirit is so much stronger than my body and mind.

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